Home > Councillors


Councillors represent the electors in their parish ward. They are accessible to residents to listen to their concerns and to deal with them or to pass them for action to the appropriate authorities directly or via the Parish Clerk. 

 Register of Members Interests


Name (Click to email) Telephone No Role
Donna Bridges  07736 348335 Chairman
Ray Studd  01449 676606 Vice Chairman
Laura Beeson  07918 808387 Councillor
Laura Johnson  07826 851030 Councillor
Debra Melhuish  07979125904  Councillor
Paula Murton  07906 677817 Councillor
Jerry Voden  01449 703717 Councillor
Terry Easter  07958 906176  Councillor
Rachel Eburne 01449 673311 District Councillor
Janet Pearson  01449 678788 District Councillor
Keith Welham  01449 673185 County Councillor



For details of the Groups and Committees served by Parish Councillors please see the table below:

Group Councillor
Bio-Diversity Working Group Councillor Beeson
Parish Infrastructure Improvement Working Group Councillors Bridges, Johnson, & Studd
Environment & The Green Sub-Committee Councillors Beeson, Murton & Melhuish
Trim Trail Working Group Councillor Voden 
Allotment Officer  Councillor Bridges 
Cemetery and Churchyard Officer (s) Councillors Johnson & Voden
Footpath Officer (s) Councillors Bridges & Melhuish
Planning Officer  Councillor Studd
Play Park Officer (s) Councillors Murton & Melhuish
Speed watch Officer Councillor Voden
Tree Officer  Councillor Bridges

Terms of Reference of Committees, Sub-committees, Working Groups and Officers

Groups and Committees served by Stowupland Parish Council 2024/25